What We Learned from the InsightsEDU Higher Education Conference

Highlights and Key Takeaways from InsightsEDU 2023
It was quite a sight to behold when the Hilton Denver City Center opened its doors to the throng of higher ed professionals who showed up for this year’s InsightsEDU higher education conference. With over 230 higher education professionals from over 75 higher ed institutions, it’s no wonder that there was such energy in the room! Everyone had stories of their own successes and strategies they were eager to share on how best to meet the needs of today’s online student.

Carol Aslanian’s Presentation at the InsightsEDU Higher Education Conference
The scene at Lower Level 2 of the Hilton couldn’t have been more familiar or exciting! Everyone stopped to greet each other – despite only having met online before – being sure to grab their name tags and lanyards from friendly EDDY staff, then it was time for a delicious breakfast buffet which would fill everyone up in anticipation of taking in Carol Aslanian‘s presentation on the 2023 Online College Students Report.

Following Carol’s session, conference attendees moved off in different directions – split between three different concurrent sessions presented by our extraordinary sponsors who were all striving above and beyond to make student enrollments easier and to help create more graduates. In between catching up on the most recent trends in higher education and taking notes on student retention, personalization strategies, and enrollment logics, everyone even got the chance for a quick breather before it was time for concurrent sessions round two!
Lora Polich and MiQ Discuss Brand Awareness
The session on measuring your Brand Awareness at our event was a huge hit! Our Director of Awareness Marketing, Lora Polich and MiQ, had everyone’s attention as they discussed how to measure brand awareness. It was obvious that this topic resonated with many of the attendees, and they were all keen to learn more about it.
As the sun began to set on what had been an incredibly productive day, we all gathered around for something special – a welcome reception. And the next morning, we had an early start which included a restorative yoga session that allowed us all to relax, recharge and reset our minds so that we were ready for more!
Impactful Sessions Geared Team Dynamics, Optimizing your Marketing Mix and More
The second day of our conference was nothing short of amazing! Morgan Gonzalez, our VP of Account Management, and Don Batsford, Head of Industry at Google, gave us an in-depth look into how to pick the best marketing mix for your brand based on the strengths of your team and use the data gathered.

Then came Dr. Sherene McHenry, who had everyone in stitches with her Keynote about strategies that can be implemented to define team dynamics and set up a plan of success to positively impact an organization’s culture and performance. It was truly a memorable experience that left us feeling motivated and ready to take on any challenge.

Strategies Learned at InsightsEDU to Elevate Your Brand’s Relevance
We heard lots of great advice during the InsightsEDU sessions, and one that really stood out was the importance of thinking of your website as the hub of your brand and taking the time to rethink your approach to SEO. Lots of attendees realized that they hope to invest more in their page visibility, which means investing both time and effort in improving their SEO.

Universities are always trying to stay ahead of the game when it comes to staying relevant in today’s academic climate, and the InsightsEDU higher education conference showed us how they could do just that! With great minds gathered around the same table discussing, collaborating on ideas, and sharing their experiences, there was no shortage of useful advice being shared – the importance of having a student-centric perspective being top of the list! Everyone left feeling inspired by the wealth of knowledge gained and eager to implement these new strategies at their respective institutions.
Connections Beyond the InsightsEDU Higher Education Conference
Apart from the formal sessions, InsightsEDU also encouraged networking and collaboration among attendees. It was a great opportunity for everyone to come together and chat about what they’ve learned from the different conference sessions and how to move forward with those insights. It was really inspiring to see so many minds coming together to make plans for the future!

Looking for more high-quality higher education conferences to attend? Check out our list of the top events to put on your radar.