EducationDynamics Sheds New Light on the Marketing and Enrollment Environment in Higher Education
EducationDynamics, higher education and enrollment management experts, released the latest Marketing and Enrollment Management Benchmarks Report. The report reveals the latest trends in student engagement and provides insight into how online students are researching and selecting their school of choice. The free annual report also helps higher education leaders better understand the recent marketing and media trends to help schools develop more effective marketing strategies.

Prospective online college students are conducting more research before engaging with schools. Students are spending more time on school websites and visiting more pages per visit, resulting in a 6% decrease in web visit bounce rates, according to EducationDynamics’ internal data. As a result, student-centered search engine optimization (SEO) and User Experience (UX) strategies are becoming increasingly important components of any successful higher education marketing strategy.
“We’re living in the age of student choice, and higher education institutions must evolve to meet their needs. This is no longer a world where students are passive recipients of information—they want to engage with you on their terms, and they expect to be able to research and engage on their terms,” Bruce Douglas, EducationDynamics CEO, states. “This insightful report will help schools develop better marketing and enrollment management strategies for their online programs.”
The free report is now available for download.