Full-Funnel Digital Marketing

Reach Your Enrollment Goals with Holistic Digital Marketing Strategies

The student journey is anything but linear. Today’s prospective students are researching and engaging with institutions across a multitude of digital platforms. They might discover your program through a paid search ad, then check out your social media presence, read online reviews and maybe even visit a competitor’s website before circling back to you.

This complex, multi-platform journey makes a comprehensive digital marketing strategy a powerful driver for attracting and enrolling the best fit students. At EducationDynamics, we’ve honed our expertise to create full-funnel digital marketing solutions that engage your future students at every stage of their journey. From sparking initial awareness with compelling display ads, to nurturing interest through targeted paid social campaigns, to ultimately driving conversions with optimized landing pages, our strategies work in concert to deliver a cohesive and impactful experience that resonates with today’s discerning students.

With your brand and our full-funnel marketing approach, we spark enrollment growth and fuel your enrollment pipeline for sustaining success.

Building an Effective Strategy using Paid Digital Media

Our primary channels include: paid search, paid social, display, video, OTT, other vendors and organic social. We prioritize quality by maximizing the highest intent channels and supplement the volume with paid social and other channels. To further support our approach, we build a consistent and sound strategy in organic social.

Maximize Your Reach with Targeted Paid Search

Paid search is a form of digital marketing where search engines such as Google and Microsoft allow advertisers to show ads on their search engine results page (SERPS). As a Google Premier Partner and Microsoft Elite Partner, we’re not just clicking buttons – we’re strategically investing your budget to connect with the right prospective students. Think laser-focused targeting, compelling ad copy that speaks directly to their aspirations and landing pages optimized for conversion. Plus, you’ll have access to the latest industry insights and dedicated support from our expert team. We’re not just managing campaigns; we’re building enrollment momentum.

Engage and Convert with Paid Social

Today’s students live on social media. In our latest Online College Students Report, 98% of online college students reported using at least one social media platform. That’s why our paid social campaigns go beyond simply boosting posts. We leverage granular targeting options such as demographics, interests, even online behavior, ensuring your message reaches the students who are most likely to enroll. Our creative team crafts visually compelling ads, aligned with your institution’s visual branding, that resonate with your target audience, driving engagement and generating high-quality leads. Plus, we continuously track performance and optimize campaigns to maximize your ROI.

Extend Your Reach with Strategic Display

Largely used as an awareness driver to supplement paid ads, display advertising offers a powerful way to extend your reach. Banner ads served on websites, apps and other platforms ensure your institution stays top-of-mind as prospects browse relevant content. Our team develops visually compelling ads that align with your brand identity and resonate with your target audience, driving brand recognition and creating a consistent presence across the digital landscape.

Our full-funnel approach doesn’t end with a request for information and initial inquiry. As a full-service solution provider, we understand the inseparable connection between your awareness and demand generation marketing, human-focused engagement strategies and strategic enrollment management. Our holistic view of the student journey means we’re able to impact every stage of the student journey exponentially. Our full funnel technology stack seamlessly incorporates data and feedback from each stage of the journey and leverages it to generate higher performing campaigns across the marketing funnel. That means higher quality inquiries at a lower cost, and more enrollments for your programs.

Partner with EducationDynamics for Enrollment Success